Tuesday, December 2, 2014


My news feeds and brain is spinning with all the cool things by friends and colleagues are doing for Advent.

Whether it's reading stories with your kids, trying to set healthy boundaries on your time, working out, or praying, it seems that Advent is a great time to try a something new. After all, God is getting ready to do a new thing! Maybe we can join in!

For me, I've been feeling a little intellectually stagnant. I have lots of interests but little time to devote to them. My work days have been full of tasks and it's left little time for reading or learning. By the time I get home I find that I don't have much energy for anything that requires brainpower.

In an attempt to remedy my continual brain-fart, I'm going to watch a TedTalk every day for all of Advent. If I have time or find a particularly good one, I'll post about it here.

I'm not sure what I'll watch when, but I'll be starting with my TedTalks pinterest page every day.

Do you have suggestions? Let me know!

Here's what I'm watching today:

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